Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Beginning of my Transformation

I am sharing the beginning of my transformation because I plan to share my current transformation next week as I finish the last couple days of the 21 day fix extreme.

The girl on the far left was 9 months postpartum, I was uncomfortable, sad, and feeling at my worst.  I remember trying squeeze into clothes, and feeling so uncomfortable with my fat hanging over the sides of my jeans and my thighs feeling so tight in my scrub pants!

I would cry most days.  I was unhappy inside and out.  If you don't like the way you look, it affects all parts of your life, .  I looked in the mirror one day and said I have to get it together!  Not just for me but for my Daughter and Husband, it wasn't fair to them that I was miserable.

I messaged a friend of mine who was a Beachbody coach and I told her I was ready for a change!  I also started some medication that I probably should have been on a long time ago!  But needless to say 60 days later I felt so much better!  I started drinking a superfood shake that gave me energy and had the support and accountability from others to keep going!   I am forever grateful for the change in my life, that took place, because I have continued with this journey and made a lifestyle change not just a crash diet.

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